Maya+ZBrush树木制作教程 ArtStation – Foliage Tree Creation in Maya and Zbrush Tutorial and Assets主要在Maya和ZBrush下制作被风吹的大叔,也会用到Photoshop和Quixel,在Maya种通过绘制来制作树的整体效果,然后ZBrush中制作分支和烘焙贴图A full run through of creating a wind blown tree from scratch using Zbrush, Maya and Photoshop/Quixel.
Showcasing techniques for using paint effects in Maya for creating base meshes.
Sculpting and creating tree cards and bark textures in Zbrush.
Concluding with showing the workflow of transferring the Zbrush sculptures to a low res game engine friendly mesh for rendering in Marmoset.
发布日期: 2022-8-3