Blender宝石矿石预设 The Ultimate Procedural Colored Gemstones Collection For Cycles基于节点的宝石矿石效果预设,支持Cycles渲染器After working on 3D flaws and inclusions in diamonds on a render that got featured, I decided that it was time to create an outstanding colored gemstones collection, and achieve it by procedural means… The result is here.
As I explain in the tutorial, some gemstones do have some underlying geometry to provide the best looking results, I think you will agree.
All the rest is node based.
I used the real world INDEX of REFRACTION for each mineral, and the result is here to speak.
支持的软件版本2.92, 2.93, 3.0,3.1,3.2,3.2.1
发布日期: 2022-8-6