CG数据库 >> Blender插件管理器 N Panel Manager v1.2

Blender插件管理器 N Panel Manager v1.2N Panel Manager是Blender个一款插件管理整理插件,可以更加快捷方便找到自己需要的插件We all know the N Panel Tab clutter in Blender. The N Panel Manager solves this problem by providing tools to manage add-ons in Workspace filtering. So instead of long days fine tuning Blender, you can do it now in 2 or 3 hours. (151 add-ons). Although we tested this add-on is still in Beta. Therefore, we ask you to report any issue so we can make the add-on stable for a wide range of scenarios

支持的软件版本:3.0, 3.1, 3.2


发布日期: 2022-8-19