CG数据库 >> Blender三维视差场景搭建插件 Kit Ops Parallax V1.0

Blender三维视差场景搭建插件 Kit Ops Parallax V1.0只需要几个面片,就可以模拟做出视差效果,特别适合做假的三维室内场景KIT OPS PARALLAX is a systemized addon for creating virtual rooms using only one plane which are able to be viewed from different angles in real-time as if in real 3D.

It works with Blender 2.


It is recommended to also use KIT OPS 2 PRO to save the material and plane efficiently so that it may be easily deployed on any object later using the KIT OPS asset management system.

支持的Blender版本:Blender 2.92, 2.93, 3.0


发布日期: 2022-8-23