CG数据库 >> C4D建模入门基础教程 Digital Tutors – Introduction to Modeling in CINEMA 4D

C4D建模入门基础教程 Digital Tutors – Introduction to Modeling in CINEMA 4D讲解C4D建模过程中一些常用的工具,从多边形建模开始,利用切片,挤出,倒角等命令,然后涉及到样条线,制作一个平滑的表面,一个完整建模机器人的教程In this CINEMA 4D tutorial we’ll use a project-based approach as we cover the basics of modeling, look at commonly used tools, and talk about some time-saving tips and techniques.

We’ll begin by looking at polygons and how CINEMA 4D works with that geometry.

As we build up a simple robot character from scratch, we’ll look at a variety of polygon modeling tools you can use in your daily work- tools like the Knife, Extrude, and Bevel.

We’ll also learn to use generators to create geometry from primitive or custom splines.

We’ll learn to smooth objects with a Subdivision surface and how we can modulate the edge hardness.

We won’t be covering all of CINEMA 4D’s many modeling tools, but rather focus on the tools that you’re going to find most useful as you begin the modeling process.

By the end of this CINEMA 4D training, you’ll have a better understanding of how these tools work together, you’ll be able to create your own modeling solutions and really come up with a workflow that’s comfortable to you.

C4D建模入门基础教程 Digital Tutors – Introduction to Modeling in CINEMA 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2015-02-06