VideoCopilot AK教程158期 城市破坏毁灭教程 Destroyed City Teaser!不利用第三方插件,在AE中制作末日城市毁灭效果In this massive tutorial we’ll be adding some realistic city destruction without extra plug-ins! The tutorials is filled with killer tips and advanced compositing solutions! If you’re in the Visual FX, don’t miss it!教程知识点:3D Camera Tracking and Compositing(3D摄像机跟踪反求)Build Dimensional Destruction(制作破碎元素)Integrate smoke stock footage from Action Essentials 2(合成特效素材)Create 3D Track Mattes(3D遮罩)2D Planar Tracking for Matte Painting(MP绘制)Optional Tips for Adding 3D Jets with Element 3D!(添加E3D飞机特效)
发布日期: 2015-03-02