CG数据库 >> AE表达式插件 Aescripts iExpressions 1.18

AE表达式插件 Aescripts iExpressions 1.18iExpressions可以自带超过100种常用AE表达式,不需要自己手写或者记忆复杂表达式了iExpressions allow you to use After Effects expressions without writing or reading a single line of code.

It contains more than 100 iExpressions – and each of them comes with an easy and intuitive to use interface.

AE表达式插件 Aescripts iExpressions 1.18的图片1
AE表达式插件 Aescripts iExpressions 1.18的图片2
AE表达式插件 Aescripts iExpressions 1.18的图片3

发布日期: 2015-04-11