CG数据库 >> C4D AE冰块路径生长动画教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Organic Ice Growth Patterns in CINEMA 4D

C4D AE冰块路径生长动画教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Organic Ice Growth Patterns in CINEMA 4D在这个C4D教程中,我们制作冰块水晶生长效果,首先在AE中利用Particular模拟基础的生成,然后在C4D中制作贴图,同时运用TP粒子生成冰块In this CINEMA 4D tutorial we’ll learn how to create organic ice growth and ice crystal patterns in any shape.

We’ll cover how to create basic growth patterns using Trapcode Particular, and then how to use those as texture maps within CINEMA 4D as well as generate Thinking Particles for our ice crystals.

By the end of this CINEMA 4D training you’ll clearly understand the professional workflow of how to create organic ice growth patterns you can use in your own projects.

C4D AE冰块路径生长动画教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Organic Ice Growth Patterns in CINEMA 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2015-05-05