CG数据库 >> Substance纹理编辑C4D插件 Substance in Cinema 4D Win/Mac

Substance纹理编辑C4D插件 Substance in Cinema 4D Win/Mac官方免费集成的一个插件,包含Win和Mac版本,压缩包中也包含一个基础使用教程Substance指的是一个通过一系列通道来定义程序化材质的文件。

通过调整每个通道的参数来生成材质,用于描述特定的表面属性,比如漫反射,高光以及法线Substance in Cinema 4D allows games and 3D content creators to use all the power of Substance to deliver a unique experience to the final user, with the following advantages:A seamless workflow between Substance Designer and Cinema 4D.

Texture tweaking directly within Cinema 4D.

Dynamic texturing via runtime modifications.

Substance纹理编辑C4D插件 Substance in Cinema 4D Win/Mac的图片1

发布日期: 2015-05-09