Maya流体动力学模拟插件 Sitni Sati FumeFX 3.5.7 Maya 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016 Win64/Linux64Fumefx是一款强大的流体动力学模拟插件,其强大的流体动力学引擎可以模拟出真实的火、烟、爆炸等常见气体现象。
FumeFX 3.
0 offers many innovations and artist-friendly improvements that provide unique control over the simulation.
Features such as a GPU accelerated Preview Window, simulation of nested grids, support for Space Warp deformers and newly added Effectors will allow you to approach VFX scene construction in a completely different and more flexible manner.
发布日期: 2015-05-16