CG数据库 >> RealFlow慢镜头流体教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow

RealFlow慢镜头流体教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow在RealFlow中制作电影级别高速镜头效果,模拟水花溅开的流体效果,然后模拟子弹时间,制作效果不错的慢镜头特效效果In this RealFlow tutorial we’ll learn how to create a stylized and cinematic sequence using liquid simulation.

You’ll pick up time saving techniques for creating your scene and learn how a water splash can be created and adjusted to suit your style.

To add further interest to your sequence we’ll use the bullet time effect to slow down our splash and create an eye catching VFX shot.

RealFlow慢镜头流体教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow的图片1
RealFlow慢镜头流体教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow的图片2
RealFlow慢镜头流体教程 Digital Tutors – Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow的图片3

发布日期: 2015-05-23