Premiere CC 2015新功能特性教程 Lynda – Premiere Pro 2015 Creative Cloud Updates TutorialPremiere 2015增加了不少新功能,包括新的Lumetri调色系统,视音频剪辑的提升,新增加的特效例如 Morph Cut,渲染格式的改变等Explore the new features added to Adobe Premiere Pro CC in 2015.
Premiere Pro guru Rich Harrington covers the most exciting updates as well as smaller but still useful changes, and provides tips to help video editors and mograph artists get the most from the program.
Topics range from preferences and settings expansions, the new Lumetri color workflow, and audio and video editing improvements, to new effects like Morph Cut and enhancements to media management and mobile editing.
发布日期: 2015-06-17