CG数据库 >> Nuke科幻火焰特效皮肤教程 Pluralsight – Fiery Skin Effects in NUKEX

Nuke科幻火焰特效皮肤教程 Pluralsight  – Fiery Skin Effects in NUKEX利用NukeX 9.0V5来制作科幻场景火焰特效皮肤教程,首先讲解对人脸画遮罩,然后添加纹理,模糊等,同时也用到了Planar Tracker来进行跟踪In this series of lessons, we will learn how to create a fiery skin effect you’ve probably seen on the big screen.

We will be creating this effect in NUKE and a basic understanding of how to use NUKE is recommended before following along with this course.

We will start by painting a mask that will eventually reveal our effect and then create a noise pattern that will give the fire the organic look we need to make it believable when merged with a real person in the footage.

We then learn how to add veins with different levels of blur to show different layers of skin.

We will be color correcting our effect to give it the orange look of fire that when merged with the footage looks very real.

We also use the new Planar Tracker node in NUKE 9 which works perfectly to match our effect to the movement of the character.

Aside from the main skin effect’s creation, we will also add a few lens effects and some overall color correction that pushes this shot from good to great.

By the end of this course you’ll have an understanding of how to create this fiery skin effect in NUKE using no external plugins or even 3D effects.

Software required: NUKEX 9.


Nuke科幻火焰特效皮肤教程 Pluralsight  – Fiery Skin Effects in NUKEX的图片1

发布日期: 2015-07-26