CG数据库 >> AE+C4D创意短片快速制作流程 FXPHD – MOG212 Production Tested Mograph: How to Work Fast and Flexible

AE+C4D创意短片快速制作流程 FXPHD – MOG212 Production Tested Mograph: How to Work Fast and Flexible主要利用AE和C4D,通过一些创意短片分镜的分析,讲解一些镜头或者效果的完成方法,粒子AE中Trapcode Form和 Particular插件的使用方法,粒子汇聚成Logo文字等,C4D中对一些短片幕后讲解的制作等Using After Effects and Cinema 4D, as well as leveraging the power of plugins like Trapcode Form and Particular, Summers will show you how he achieved both in real-world projects for a variety of clients.

To be clear, this course isn’t a lightweight “making of” breakdown for these projects — but will be sharing hard core production-proven techniques for getting the job done.

AE+C4D创意短片快速制作流程 FXPHD – MOG212 Production Tested Mograph: How to Work Fast and Flexible的图片1

发布日期: 2015-08-17