CG数据库 >> Maya粒子特效nParticles使用教程 Udemy – Introduction to nParticles in Maya 2016

Maya粒子特效nParticles使用教程 Udemy – Introduction to nParticles in Maya 2016Maya 2016进阶教程,需要一定的maya基础,讲解Maya的nParticles粒子系统,火焰和烟雾的模拟,粒子汇聚成logo文字等特效效果This course is an introduction to nParticles in Maya , and its a project based approach , so instead of listening me talking about tools and button , you will learn how to make fire and smoke emitting from the rocket when it take off , you will learn how to use another technique for creating fire in the fireplace and how to use instancing to copy any object to any particle system you have .

Maya粒子特效nParticles使用教程 Udemy – Introduction to nParticles in Maya 2016的图片1

发布日期: 2015-08-21