CG数据库 >> 角色动画人物IK绑定AE预设 VideoHive Character IK Ready

角色动画人物IK绑定AE预设 VideoHive Character IK Ready已经设置好IK骨骼了,直接替换成自己的卡通人物模型即可完成绑定,类似的绑定脚本很多,比如Puppet Tools V3.4,Duik 14.12这两个都是很常用的AE卡通人物绑定脚本Lose the hassle of rigging your biped character in After Effects with the Character IK Ready project! Easily take your character and place them into the project, and they are all ready to animate.

Perfect for those clients that want an animated character, but not enough time or budget to get the quality product they deserve.

Tutorial videos, educational videos, training videos, commercials, animated series, films, T.


, you name it, Character IK Ready can be a major asset to any pipeline.

角色动画人物IK绑定AE预设 VideoHive Character IK Ready的图片1

发布日期: 2015-08-28