CG数据库 >> 调用世界地图任意位置多种形态AE脚本 Aescripts GEOlayers V1.081 + 使用教程

调用世界地图任意位置多种形态AE脚本 Aescripts GEOlayers V1.081 + 使用教程GEOlayers可以链接世界上任意的地方,高清卫星地图,地图的飞入飞出等,对于做军事项目或者路线导航等十分方便,使用教程点击:调用世界地图任意位置多种形态AE脚本 Aescripts GEOlayers V1.076 + 使用教程GEOlayers allows you to connect directly to any common http-tileserver import geojson vectordata and much more.

High resolution satellite-maps, huge zooms from worldview to an address in your neighborhood, find POIs, Markers and Overlays, glue geotiffs to your map, import geojsons, draw country-borders, create political maps… no problem with GEOlayers.

调用世界地图任意位置多种形态AE脚本 Aescripts GEOlayers V1.081 + 使用教程的图片1

发布日期: 2015-09-19