CG数据库 >> C4D卡通水彩风格MG动画教程 Lynda - Creating Motion Graphics with Sketch and Toon in CINEMA 4D

C4D卡通水彩风格MG动画教程 Lynda – Creating Motion Graphics with Sketch and Toon in CINEMA 4D通过几个实例,讲解C4D线条卡通材质渲染教程,在扁平化MG动画中很常见的效果Not everything you create in CINEMA 4D has to be photorealistic.

Sometimes you want a “line art” look.

Sketch and Toon is the C4D module that allows you to apply flat shading to 3D artwork and create 2D-style, cel-shaded motion graphics with a click of a button.

These tutorials introduce Sketch and Toon to 3D mograph artists who want to emulate this 2D style.

EJ Hassenfratz follows a real-world workflow, from applying a 2D look to 3D objects, to animating the objects and strokes, to completing a final render.

Along the way, he’ll dive deeper into line types, the Cel Shader, and Sketch Style tags—features that help mograph artists achieve just the results they want from this fun and creative module.


C4D卡通水彩风格MG动画教程 Lynda - Creating Motion Graphics with Sketch and Toon in CINEMA 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2015-10-08