CG数据库 >> Maya硬面网格建模工具 HardMesh Tools v1.0.31 For Maya 2015/2016 Win

Maya硬面网格建模工具 HardMesh Tools v1.0.31 For Maya 2015/2016  Win解决Maya硬面建模的一些不足,制作复杂多面的硬面模型Maya’s boolean or “trim like” operations on hard surface modelling represent a significant bottleneck in the workflow of any professional modeller.Hard Mesh solves this issue. It’s a plug-in based on our script Hard Surface Poly Tools and its development was completed.The tool simplifies complex polygonal modelling operations thanks to an intuitive interface and nodes that make modelling more creative and interactive!安装步骤(以2016版本为例):在C盘根目录新建文件夹hmTools_win拷贝对应版本的插件,hmTools_1.0.31_maya2016到hmTools_win文件夹里面拷贝C:\hmTools_win\hmTools_1.0.31_maya2016里面modules到C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\modules重启Maya,即可在插件管理器看到插件了PS:如果不行,在第三步将modules文件夹里面的hmTools.mod拷贝到C:文档\maya\2016\modules,然后重试

Maya硬面网格建模工具 HardMesh Tools v1.0.31 For Maya 2015/2016  Win的图片1

发布日期: 2015-10-23