CG数据库 >> Maya Vray产品室内室外灯光渲染基础教程 Udemy - Lighting and rendering with v-ray for maya

Maya Vray产品室内室外灯光渲染基础教程 Udemy – Lighting and rendering with v-ray for maya以产品,室内,室外3个案列来介绍MayaVray渲染器的使用方法,适合初学者和进阶学习This course will show you lighting and rendering inside V-Ray for Maya from an structured way to keep you workflow easy, faster and efficient.

The course is for begginers and intermediate people who wants to understand deeply the concepts behind lighting and rendering and start using them in a proffesional way.


Maya Vray产品室内室外灯光渲染基础教程 Udemy - Lighting and rendering with v-ray for maya的图片1

发布日期: 2015-10-30