CG数据库 >> Maya模拟破碎插件 Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro 3.5c Maya 2014/2015/2016

Maya模拟破碎插件 Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro 3.5c Maya 2014/2015/2016Pulldownit模拟解决Maya破碎动力学刚体的一些问题,可以利用这个插件快速制作建筑楼房倒塌,表面破碎等效果Pulldownit is a brand new dynamics solver which allows for the creation of fractures as well as massive rigid bodies simulations.

By using its technology digital artists are able to simulate fast and easily the collapse of buildings, cracking surfaces or fracturing any kind of brittle material.


安装步骤:安装对应版本插件将对应版本,比如pdipro37__Maya2016x64里面的pdiMaya30.txt拷贝到对应版本的额 文档\maya\2016\modules

Maya模拟破碎插件 Thinkinetic Pulldownit Pro 3.5c Maya 2014/2015/2016的图片1

发布日期: 2015-11-02