CG数据库 >> Maya影视场景特效插件 Glyph Software MattePainting Toolkit For Maya 2016 v3.1.1 Win/Mac/Linux

Maya影视场景特效插件 Glyph Software MattePainting Toolkit For Maya 2016 v3.1.1 Win/Mac/LinuxMattepainting Toolkit可以在Maya中以最低的渲染需求制作真实的3D环境The Mattepainting Toolkit (gs_mptk) is a plugin suite for Autodesk Maya that helps artists build photorealistic 3D environments with minimal rendering overhead.

It offers an extensive toolset for working with digital paintings as well as datasets sourced from photographs.

破解步骤(具体请看txt英文说明):Win:运行mptkg.exe注册机,输入电脑的mac地址,或者点击get mac-> 点击 generate,拷贝许可文件到MPT可以检测到的位置,参考\<你的用户名>\Documents\maya\modulesMac/Linux:打开终端,输入chmod +x 拖入unixkeygen./unixkeygen输入mac地址,中间不要有空格,拷贝许可文件到MPT可以检测到的位置

Maya影视场景特效插件 Glyph Software MattePainting Toolkit For Maya 2016 v3.1.1 Win/Mac/Linux的图片1

发布日期: 2015-11-18