GSG灰猩猩HDR灯光渲染C4D预设工具包 GreyscaleGorilla – HDRI Studio Pack 2.01 for Cinema 4D R14/R15/R16/R17 Win/Mac灰猩猩出品的HDR灯光预设工具从之前的1.9版本更新到V2.01版本,全面支持R17,超过70个HDRI预设,很简单就可以给场景打光。
Add perfect Global Illumination lighting and reflections to your scenes with ease with HDRI Studio Pack.
Over 70 custom made HDRI studio images and custom HDR rigs were made to light your scenes, animations and products.
These HDR Images were captured from Professionally lit 3D product studios so your renders look just like the pros.
安装步骤:打开C4D,编辑-偏好设置(Ctrl+E)打开偏好设置,弹窗左下角,打开偏好设置文件夹,然后将HDRI Studio文件夹拷贝到plugin文件夹中,重启C4D,在插件下拉窗口就可以看到了Win版本下载Mac版本下载
发布日期: 2015-11-25