CG数据库 >> MG动画图层管理AE脚本 Layer Manager v2.03

MG动画图层管理AE脚本 Layer Manager v2.03在做MG动画的时候,大量的图层是个很困扰的问题,Layer Manager脚本可以让我们对图层进行标记,单独显示,上锁,链接选择图层等多种操作It is helps to manage your layers in a timeline and viewport.

And it is allow to save a lot of time while you working with layers.

It’s so easy and so handy.

Because it don’t require any special knowledge and have friendly-user interface.

AE脚本怎么安装?将Layer Manager v2.03.jsxbin和Tniich文件夹拷贝到X:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC 2014\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI PanelsAE脚本不能用?不要用中文版AE,中文版表达式会报错偏好设置,Edit—Preferences—General面板下,勾选上Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network脚本不支持你的AE版本(可能性较小)

MG动画图层管理AE脚本 Layer Manager v2.03的图片1

发布日期: 2015-12-02