CG数据库 >> PS配色插件+安装方法 Coolorus v2.5.7 for Photoshop CC 2014.2/2015 Win/Mac(测试可用)

PS配色插件+安装方法 Coolorus v2.5.7 for Photoshop CC 2014.2/2015 Win/Mac(测试可用)Coolorus是PS/Flash上的配色插件,可以提高工作效率,作用于图形或者文字层,多种配色方式可选。

Coolorus is a Color Wheel Panel for Adobe Products (Photoshop and Flash) and all native Mac apps that uses native Apple color picker.

Coolorus is for creative people who would like to improve workflow as much as possible.

Reducing clicks to the minimum, learn about Color Relations, Gamut Masks and the power of triangle HSV representation.

安装方法:如果安装了之前版本,请先通过Extension Manager卸载打开PS,文件-打开,选择Install Coolorus 2.5.jsx,按照提示进行安装重启PS,在窗口-扩展- Coolorus 2.5就可以看到插件了还是找不到Coolorus 2.5?全盘搜索coolorus,找到相关的文件全部删除重装coolorus或者:确保PS至少更新到了2014.2.2或者:拷贝HTML文件夹到如下地方(如果没有,手动新建)– Windows: %APPDATA%/Adobe/CEP/extensions/com.moongorilla.coolorus2/– MacOS: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/com.moongorilla.coolorus2/重启PS

PS配色插件+安装方法 Coolorus v2.5.7 for Photoshop CC 2014.2/2015 Win/Mac(测试可用)的图片1

发布日期: 2015-12-05