AE DCP数字电影打包插件 FanDev CuteDCP v1.8.6 CS5-CC 2015 Win一键安装破解版FanDev CuteDCP(DCP数字电影打包软件)是After Effects一个数字电影包(DCP)的创作工具。
它是一个渲染导出(输出模块)插件,CuteDCP易于使用,并且已经过测试,可以在大多数主要服务器上播放CuteDCP is a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) creation tool for After Effects.
CuteDCP is an exporting (output module) plug-in which allows users to create DCPs from any file imported into After Effects and reduces the number of steps creating a DCP to a minimum.
CuteDCP is easy to use and has been tested on most major play-out servers.
It has never been easier to create a DCP package.
发布日期: 2015-12-13