3D Max模型导入C4D插件破解版 MaxToC4D V2.0 R12-R17MaxToC4D可以将3Ds MAX模型完全导入C4D中,操作十分简单,不会丢失材质灯光等。
这个插件并不是说不需要max了,你还是需要在max里面转换桥接的,所有没有mac版插件MaxToC4D is a plugin to transfer 3DsMax current scene to C4D with 2 clicks, solving common problems between import/export problems automatically, to get the best results in the fastest way and with the less effort possible.
2.0版新特性:支持Vray 3.00 和Vray 3.20,支持Vray Lights, Sun, Sky, IEs lights, Procedural Maps, Blend Materials, Composite, Car Paint, Matte,更快的渲染速度和场景优化等破解安装方法:如果安装之前的版本,先卸载拷贝To C4D Plugins folder文件夹里面的MAXTOC4D文件夹到到Cinema4D\plugins 文件夹拷贝To 3Ds Scripts folder文件夹里面的MAXTOC4D文件夹到到3DSs Max\Scripts文件夹打开C4D,Script-User Scripts-Run-Script (脚本-用户脚本-运行脚本),选择MaxToC4D_1.5_KeyGen.py,得到序列号,右键拷贝应用MaxtoC4D插件,弹出窗口右键粘贴就行
发布日期: 2016-01-09