样条线挤出放样车削扫描C4D插件 Cineversity CV-Splines To Objects R17 Win/Mac + 使用教程CV-Splines to Objects: 包含样条线Extrude(挤出), Lathe(车削), Loft(放样)和Sweep(扫描)等功能,方便C4D建模具体功能如下:CV-Extrude Splines: Extrudes multiple splines in a single click.
Intelligently names your objects.
Don’t sweat the small stuff, let us.
CV-Lathe Splines: Lathe objects in context.
No need to reposition your reference to world-center, or only lathe around World Y.
Lathe multiple objects where you want them to be, but give each it’s own object for easier texturing.
Save yourself the annoying work of perfectly lining up points on the Y-Axis in order to create a water-tight mesh.
CV-Sweep Splines: 9 times out of 10 you just want to create a pipe with an easily controlled number of segments.
Now you can select as many splines as you want and easily sweep them with an N-Side polygon in a single click.
Use the Scale to immediately after sweeping to adjust the pipe radius by eye.
CV-Convert to Loft: Select splines in space, and then loft them.
Stop trying to differentiate between 15 splines named Spline.
CV-Render Splines: Make your splines renderable with a single-click.
No need to remember to add hair tags to multiple objects, or a render effect, or special tags if you’re working with deformed splines.
发布日期: 2016-01-09