CG数据库 >> C4D绑定映射转移插件 TES Harvester v3.00 R15/R16/R17 Win

C4D绑定映射转移插件 TES Harvester v3.00 R15/R16/R17 Win可以将一个带动画绑定好的rig映射到另外一个结构类似的模型上,省去另外重新绑定的麻烦The Harvester plug-in allows Cinema 4D users to save animation of a hierarchy of objects “rig”, and then apply that animation to similar rigs.

It also is used to transfer animation from dissimilar rigs.

Customize which objects will be animated, the time for animation to be saved, inserted, or transferred.

Options are provided to allow excluding/including tags, movement, rotation, scale, or userdata animation.

C4D绑定映射转移插件 TES Harvester v3.00 R15/R16/R17 Win的图片1

发布日期: 2016-01-13