扭曲特效科幻人物转移传送消失AE教程 Pluralsight – Creating a Teleportation Effect with Cloud Tank Effects Footage in After Effects在AE种制作科幻传送人物扭曲效果,主要用到视频素材来模拟这种效果In this course, we will discuss how to composite a teleportation shot using practical cloud tank effects footage.
This will include creating the entire composite in Nuke consisting of distortion effects, practical fluid effects integration, and clean plate creation, as well as designing and rendering an additional needed effects element using After Effects’ effects tool set.
By the end of the course, you will have created a fun and exciting live-action teleportation effects shot via various elements including cloud tank effects footage.
Software required: Nuke 8 and After Effects.
发布日期: 2016-01-29