CG数据库 >> Maya 阿诺德渲染器MtoA使用教程 Pluralsight - Introduction to Arnold for Maya

Maya 阿诺德渲染器MtoA使用教程 Pluralsight – Introduction to Arnold for MayaArnold阿诺德渲染器Maya版本插件MtoA全面使用教程,从基本的界面和工作流程开始讲解,到渲染器的采样和ray depth等,对比和默认渲染器的不同效果来研究怎么将场景渲染更加真实。

This course is meant as a first step to learning the Arnold plugin for Maya.

We will discuss basic concepts, workflows, and strategies to get you up and running quickly with this powerful renderer.

This beginner level course will get you up to speed and productive in no time with one of the most powerful and user friendly render engines currently on the market in Arnold.

To get started, we will focus on the basics of rendering with Arnold.

You’ll learn how and where to begin rendering using two different render views.

From here, we’ll dive into more complex topics such as sampling and ray depth and eventually linear workflow.

From there we’ll switch gears and begin looking at the various lights and major materials you’ll be using when rendering with Arnold.

Next we’ll look at some of the effects that are possible with Arnold.

We’ll learn how to create Depth of Field, Bokeh, as well as rendering out volumetric mediums.

To wrap things up we’ll learn about Arnold’s AOV system and how we can batch render out these pieces of information for compositing purposes.

After completing this course, you’ll be well on your way to producing stunning renders of your own using Arnold.

Maya 阿诺德渲染器MtoA使用教程 Pluralsight - Introduction to Arnold for Maya的图片1

发布日期: 2016-02-14