CG数据库 >> 3D模型角色展UV工具破解版 Polygonal-Design Unfold3D Networking v9.0.2 Build 2457 WIN

3D模型角色展UV工具破解版 Polygonal-Design Unfold3D Networking v9.0.2 Build 2457 WINUnfold3D的UV拆分技术已经被Autodesk官方承认推荐的,做3D动画肯定会用上的UV工具Unfold3D software is intuitive, fast, scalable and gives high quality UVs with mimimun effort.

AAA game studios and numerous freelancers are currently using Unfold3D to work more efficiently.

Check out the demo version, watch videos, and see for yourself that you just cannot afford to work without Unfold3D.

3D模型角色展UV工具破解版 Polygonal-Design Unfold3D Networking v9.0.2 Build 2457 WIN的图片1

发布日期: 2016-02-22