CG数据库 >> SynthEyes镜头跟踪摄像机反求教程 Pluralsight - Object Tracking Methods in SynthEyes

SynthEyes镜头跟踪摄像机反求教程 Pluralsight – Object Tracking Methods in SynthEyes讲解SynthEyes Pro在工业电影中常用的摄像机反求跟踪技术,拷贝物体跟踪,人的面部跟踪等,通过几个不同的实例来介绍几种不同的跟踪方法Object tracking is a growing demand in the Visual Effects industry due to the fact that digital make-up and facial replacement is a standard.

Throughout this course, Object Tracking Methods in SynthEyes, you will explore various techniques for object tracking.

First, you’ll learn about supervised trackers and the geometric hierarchy panel.

Next, you’ll solve a moving camera and object shot.

Finally, you’ll finish up with facial tracking and exploring vertex maps.

By the end of the course, you’ll be more knowledgeable about various object tracking techniques in SynthEyes and you’ll be able to use your skills to create fantastic visual effects.

SynthEyes镜头跟踪摄像机反求教程 Pluralsight - Object Tracking Methods in SynthEyes的图片1

发布日期: 2016-04-03