PS镜像对称插件 AD Brutus Symmetry- PS CC 2014/2015 Panel可以在PS做任何方向的对称,自定义对称线,需要对称的部分等,十分方便实用Until Adobe makes Photoshop realtime symmetry possible this tools are the closer approach you could have.
It basically uses Photoshop guides (vertical and horizontal) as Axis for the symmetry, but it’s not limited to guides, it also works with selections and for fastest use we can assign shorcuts to the main functions.
安装步骤:安装ZXP Installer(压缩包已经包含了,也可以到
官网下载)运行ZXP Installer,拖拽ad.brutussymmetry.zxp到ZXP Installer启动PS,在窗口Window > 扩展Extensions > AD Brutus Symmetry就可以看到插件了
发布日期: 2016-04-18