Maya渲染系统设置教程 Lynda – Maya Render Setup System渲染是3D场景制作中极其重要的一步,本教材通过Maya 2016 Extension 2来介绍基础的Maya渲染设置教程,调节着色器,材质和灯光等Rendering can be the rewarding final step at the end of a long 3D modeling process.
Or it can be a frustrating chore.
It all comes down to the right settings.
Now, with Maya 2016 Extension 2, animators have access to the Render Setup dialog, which provides everything you need to manage multiple renders within a single window.
This targeted training course explores Maya’s new Render Setup dialog and Light Editor.
Install the extensions and get started setting up render layers and creating collections: groups of objects that you want to render on each layer.
Author George Maestri helps you adjust the shading, materials, and lighting of objects in your scene and render the final results using this new tool.
发布日期: 2016-04-19