C4D拓扑点贴图插件 Tools4D Topology Vertex Maps R13-R17 Win/MacTopology Vertex Maps可以在C4D中实时生成各种点贴图效果Topology Maps lets you create vertex maps which can be modified in realtime, using different surface mapping algorithms. These maps are an excellent basis for shadingMesh Area Denstity– the relative surface density of your polygon structure(s) .
Mesh Angle– describes the relative surface angles of your polygon structure(s) .
Ambient Occlusion– shows the Ambient Acclusion of your polygon structure(s).
Volume Depth– a map of the sub surface volume of your polygon structure(s)Shadow– a unique shadow from one or more light sources onto your polygon structure(s)Deformed Delta –describes the liniear distance between the deformed and undeformed state.
Deformed Tensor– describes the surface area density delta between the deformed and undefromed state.
发布日期: 2016-04-25