CG数据库 >> C4D栏目包装Motion Graphic动画合成教程 FXPHD–C4D219 Motion Graphics Production Techniques with Cinema 4D

C4D栏目包装Motion Graphic动画合成教程 FXPHD–C4D219 Motion Graphics Production Techniques with Cinema 4D讲解C4D R17在制作栏目包装时常用的流程方法,涉及到动画,Xpresso表达式,灯光渲染,Reflectance反射通道和Take SystemTim Clapham returns with an exciting Cinema 4D course aimed at motion graphics artists with an intermediate skill level in C4D.

Tim will be exploring techniques that will enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow.

The training will be using Cinema 4D R17 and we will be looking at many methods and principles of working with the core of Cinema 4D, including some of the more recent additions, such as Reflectance and working with the Take System.

Alongside these core features, the course will also include many of the essential modules such as Mograph, Cloth and Dynamics.

The course will consist of several mini-project based classes, covering a huge variety of techniques including general workflow tips, animation, xpresso, lighting and rendering, you will learn from real world principles that will offer practical solutions to your every day production work.

格      式:MP4工      程:包含所需的工程文件所用软件:C4D分 辨 率:高清1920×1080语言字幕:英语无字幕集      数:10集大      小:2.2GB

C4D栏目包装Motion Graphic动画合成教程 FXPHD–C4D219 Motion Graphics Production Techniques with Cinema 4D的图片1

发布日期: 2016-04-26