荒芜城市建筑场景数字绘景MP教程 FXPHD – DMP207 Digital Matte Painting: Lost Desert City将多种图片素材合成制作成无人居住的荒芜城市场景Matte Painting教程,从最开始的素材收集到场景的绘制,到最后的调色整体合成等整个MP流程In this new DMP course, Ludo will focus on the painting and will show you how to push the work to a final grade.
The them is going to be a post apocalyptic city, destroyed and lost in the sand of a desert.
The main reference is The Maze Runner 2.
教程特点:格 式:MP4工 程:包含所需的工程文件所用软件:Photoshop分 辨 率:高清1920×1080语言字幕:英语无字幕集 数:10集大 小:4.07GB
发布日期: 2016-05-01