CG数据库 >> 流体液体文字书写生成MG动画AE教程 Skillshare - Animated Motion Graphics - Liquid Text Animation in After Effects!

流体液体文字书写生成MG动画AE教程 Skillshare – Animated Motion Graphics – Liquid Text Animation in After Effects!在AE中做文字书写生长动画效果,然后制作成MG动画中常见的液体流动效果,主要用到AE的遮罩,图形层,钢笔工具这些,然后就是K帧了,包含AE工程文件In this class I want to show you a quick and effective workflow allowing you to make an amazing looking liquidy-displaced text animation. You could compare it to a paint bucket which would be spilled over text with random colors and made it complete. This animation can be great for any kind of youtube video, text animation, logo intro and more! During the class you will learn essential After Effects techniques as well as advanced tricks on how to top-up and make any animation a little more interesting. You will work with Track Mattes, Outlining, Shape Layers, the Pen Tool, Effects, Keyframes

流体液体文字书写生成MG动画AE教程 Skillshare - Animated Motion Graphics - Liquid Text Animation in After Effects!的图片1

发布日期: 2016-05-04