CG数据库 >> Maya Vray渲染器使用基础教程 FXPHD – VRY102 Introduction to V-Ray 3 for Maya

Maya Vray渲染器使用基础教程 FXPHD – VRY102 Introduction to V-Ray 3 for Maya介绍Maya中Vray 3渲染器基础使用教程,学会使用Vray Shader着色器,天空灯光系统,GI渲染减少噪点,渲染素材后在AE中合成等This course is an introduction to using V-Ray 3.

0 for Autodesk Maya and 3DSMax.

The course will focus on getting you lighting a few projects to give you experience in using V-Ray.

The end of the course will focus on putting course content into action with two case study projects to enable you to put multiple course points to use in a single workflow.

课程知识点:Shade objects with various material looks using V-Ray shaders.

Use lights as well as the V-Ray Sun and Sky system to illuminate your scenes.

Render with Global Illumination and discern the different engine combinations and how to mitigate render noise.

Output render layers through Maya as well as V-Ray Render Elements and understand how to composite the elements back together (Back to Beauty comping) in After Effects.

Maya Vray渲染器使用基础教程 FXPHD – VRY102 Introduction to V-Ray 3 for Maya的图片1

发布日期: 2016-05-17