CG数据库 >> 大自然公园植物树木3D模型 Evermotion Archmodels Vol.163

大自然公园植物树木3D模型 Evermotion Archmodels Vol.163一共包含54个高精度植物树木3D模型,适合用于户外公园森林环境制作,3ds max格式,Vray渲染器Archmodels vol.

163 includes 54 professional, highly detailed 3d models for architectural visualizations.

This collection comes with high quality trees models.

Each model has 3d-scanned trunk which make the models more photo-realistic than ever and perfect for closed-up views.

All objects are ready to use in your visualizations.


大自然公园植物树木3D模型 Evermotion Archmodels Vol.163的图片1

发布日期: 2016-05-19