CG数据库 >> Blender灯光烘焙教程(含工程) Lighting and Baking Workflow for Blazing Fast Renders Tutorial

Blender灯光烘焙教程(含工程) Lighting and Baking Workflow for Blazing Fast Renders Tutorial快速烘焙渲染自然闪烁环境,讲解户外灯光,材质,材质的烘焙,景深等效果的制作In this tutorial, Gleb Alexandrov shares his complete workflow of setting up lighting in a nature scene and then bake lighting for a blazing fast render.

教程知识点:Setting up outdoor lightingCreating a texture atlasBaking light into texturesUsing depth of field

Blender灯光烘焙教程(含工程) Lighting and Baking Workflow for Blazing Fast Renders Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2016-08-10