NextLimit Maxwell Render Studio v4.0 独立版本+3DS MAX/C4D/Maya/SketchUp/Modo插件版本 Win64包含Maxwell独立版本软件,插件版本支持3DS MAX/Cinema 4D/Maya/SketchUp/Modo/FormZ/Rhinoceros/SolidWorks/Revit/ArchiCAD等软件Maxwell Studio is a sophisticated independent scene editor with a full 3D environment, offering an alternative workflow for those Maxwell Render users that work with 3D or CAD applications that we do not currently offer a plug-in for.
具体插件支持列表:NextLimit Maxwell Render Studio v4 0 0 5 X64 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for 3ds Max v4 0 3 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for Cinema4D v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for Modo v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for Maya v4 0 3 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for SolidWorks v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for Revit v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for SketchUp v4 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for Rhinoceros v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for FormZ 8 v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for FormZ 7 v4 0 0 WINNextLimit Maxwell Render for ArchiCAD v4 0 0 WIN
发布日期: 2016-10-13