Maya流体动力学教程 Pluralsight – Maya Dynamics:Bifrost for Small-scale Simulations介绍Maya中Bifrost在小体积液体碰撞模拟制作方法,以倒酒动画为案例讲解液体参数的设置,同时利用阿诺德渲染器进行渲染Though Bifrost is traditionally used for large-scale simulations, you can gain a powerful tool if you adjust this system to suit your needs.
In this course, Maya Dynamics: Bifrost for Small Scale Simulations, you will first take a look at how you can work with gravity, liquid density, surface tension, and viscosity to change the typical large-scale behaviors of Bifrost liquids.
Next, you will explore how you can change or turn off many of the adaptivities that traditionally make Bifrost a very fast and powerful large-scale simulator, but may cause quality issues with small-scale simulations.
You will finish the course out by lighting and rendering out fluid in Arnold in Maya 2017.
By the end of this course, you’ll have good foundational knowledge of adapting Bifrost to suit your needs for small-scale simulations.
发布日期: 2016-12-09