CG数据库 >> Maya/PS 科幻场景概念图制作教程 Pluralsight - Conceptualizing a Sci-fi Environment in Photoshop and Maya

Maya/PS 科幻场景概念图制作教程 Pluralsight – Conceptualizing a Sci-fi Environment in Photoshop and Maya用到软件Maya 2016,Photoshop CC,Keyshot,V-Ray来渲染制作3D科幻太空场景概念图,然后后期在PS中完成合成修复等Have you ever needed to create an awesome concept image to win a pitch? If so, then this course is for you.

In this course, Conceptualizing a Sci-fi Environment in Photoshop and Maya, you’ll take a concept from idea to final presentation using Maya, Photoshop, V-Ray, and KeyShot.

First, you’ll start off with creating some simple concept art.

Next, you’ll use that concept art to make a 3D model.

Finally, you’ll take that 3D model to finish the render.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create 2D and 3D concept art.

Maya/PS 科幻场景概念图制作教程 Pluralsight - Conceptualizing a Sci-fi Environment in Photoshop and Maya的图片1

发布日期: 2016-12-23