CG数据库 >> C4D+AE制作Plexus拖尾粒子效果动画教程 Cinema 4D and After Effects – Plexus Particle Trail Animation Tutorial

C4D+AE制作Plexus拖尾粒子效果动画教程 Cinema 4D and After Effects – Plexus Particle Trail Animation Tutorial在C4D中制作灯光路径,然后通过OBJ Sequence Exporter插件导出OBJ序列,在AE中利用Plexus插件来制作灯光粒子拖尾效果In this tutorial, Dennis Wei will go over his workflow to create a particle trail animation using Plexus with Cinema 4D and After Effects.

C4D+AE制作Plexus拖尾粒子效果动画教程 Cinema 4D and After Effects – Plexus Particle Trail Animation Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2016-12-31