CG数据库 >> 钢铁侠高科技信息界面制作教程合集 AETUTS Iron Man Series

AE教程-钢铁侠高科技信息界面制作教程合集 AETUTS Iron Man Series之前在博客发过的,地址貌似过期了,应网友要求再发一次,同时谢谢各位对CG数据库的支持!简介就不写了,就是教你用AE制作钢铁侠的信息系统。

In this tutorial series we are going to go beyond basics using the true power of shape layers inside After Effects.

As you can see we are going to dive into the magic of creating this Iron Man battle widget inspired from The Avengers movie.

We are going to recreate the element from start to finish using various different techniques and learning some pretty cool workflow tips as well.

AETUTS的教程,钢铁侠系列一共包括:Iron Man Interface Battle Widget – Parts 1 and 2Iron Man Interface Battle Widget – Parts 3, 4, and 5Iron Man Interface Radar Widget – Parts 1 and 2Iron Man Interface Target Widget – Parts 1 and 2How To Create The Look From The Iron Man Widget Promos下载包含视频教程和工程文件,一共3.44G左右。

钢铁侠高科技信息界面制作教程合集 AETUTS Iron Man Series的图片1

发布日期: 2014-03-28