CG数据库 >> Houdini流体模拟介绍教程 Helloluxx – Houdini Training : learn. Jumpstart Vol.5

Houdini流体模拟介绍教程 Helloluxx – Houdini Training : learn. Jumpstart Vol.5介绍Houdini流体碰撞模拟教程,节点的控制使用,粒子结构的重建,发生器的参数调节等In this tutorial you will get your CG feet wet with Adam Swaab’s first ‘Jumpstart’ foray into fluid simulations.

You begin by disecting the shelf tools, understanding each node that is created, and then rebuilding the system from scratch, inserting a few of your own customisations.

You will look at emission attributes and parameters, discuss how to achieve high resolution details in your sims and see how to get other simulation objects to interact with your fluids.

Further in the tutorial you will look at some of the more esoteric parameters of the Flip solver, learning how to create melting, mixing, and expanding fluid simulations.

Houdini流体模拟介绍教程 Helloluxx – Houdini Training : learn. Jumpstart Vol.5的图片1

发布日期: 2017-01-14