CG数据库 >> PS选区技巧基础教程 Lynda - Photoshop Selections Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

PS选区技巧基础教程 Lynda – Photoshop Selections Tips, Tricks, and Techniques介绍PS选取部分图片位置的一些常用的方法,比如处理头发,模糊的边缘,色彩范围等,通过遮罩,色彩通道等方法来选取需要的部分Take charge of Photoshop and make better, more targeted image adjustments with selections—including hard-to-select objects like hair, fuzzy edges, and color ranges.

Rich Harrington reveals the importance of precise selections, whether you’re masking, changing color and tone, or even storing transparency, and shows you how to make them with the tools in Adobe Photoshop CC.

Dive into the Select menu commands and the Marquee, Lasso, and Magic Wand tools, and then learn how to refine your selections with Expand and Contract, Smooth and Feather, Quick Mask, and other controls.

Photoshop power users will also enjoy advanced techniques involving the Color Range command and alpha channel selections.

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发布日期: 2017-03-03