CG数据库 >> C4D制作毁灭星球教程 Cinema 4D - Realistic Planet Atmosphere using Octane Render Tutorial

C4D制作毁灭星球教程 Cinema 4D – Realistic Planet Atmosphere using Octane Render TutorialC4D中模拟制作快要爆炸毁灭的星球教程,用到Octane渲染器,后期在AE中完成合成,用到Red Giant Looks和Optical Flares插件In this tutorial, we’ll create a realistic planet atmosphere using the Octane Render in Cinema 4D and composite it in Adobe After Effects.

C4D制作毁灭星球教程 Cinema 4D - Realistic Planet Atmosphere using Octane Render Tutorial的图片1

发布日期: 2017-05-16